Website Homepage

This is the landing page for all things related to this website! How I run it, how I set it up, and any future projects I'm thinking of doing.

Hosting a Website on a Raspberry Pi

This explains how I set up a raspberry pi 3 to run a website! It walks through the process in a small amount of detail, and I tried to provide links for the things I glossed over. It mostly concerns using dynamic DNS and port forwarding to link my raspberry pi to my domain name.


This page is a repository of tinkerers and makers websites, which I want to keep following and think you might enjoy as well. It also includes an RSS feed of all of the sites, so you can see the latest posts from them. Style Guide

This link is a style guide for this website. My goal is for it to be a) a reminder to me of how I did things, in case I don't update it in a while and forget how SSH works, and b) to set in stone how I want to format pages, so I can check if the page I'm making will mesh well with the website. Like how I put line spaces after sections and before the next subheading, or how pages link back to the home page.

Example Page

This is my example .php page, which is meant to be an example of both the formatting of my pages and to have code snippets for how to do things like make tables and embed images.

WIP: 24/7 Simulator

Nothing yet, but at some point I want to see if I can run a small python script on the pi 24/7, and have its output displayed on this webpage. That way, I can monitor it anytime and anywhere, yet it won't eat up bandwidth broadcasting when no one is looking. Plus, if I have an SSH pi computer running 24/7, I might as well toy with it! Homepage