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This page is meant to be a repository of all the websites I've found and enjoy across the internet. They are orginized by topic, then alphabetically. I've also put up an RSS feed for all of these websites at the bottom of the page.

Table of Contents

Technology and Computers
- Sam Hobbs, Free Software Tutorials
- Deviant Engineer
- East German Computers
- Adam's Vintage Computer Repairs

Noun Focused Sites
- Slide Rule Museum
- Slide Rule Simulator
RSS Feed

Sam Hobbs, Free Software Tutorials

I referred to Sam's site extensively while getting this site to run on a raspberry pi for a few months. It focuses on open source web code, like hosting websites and email servers, etc.

Slide Rule Museum

This site is quite the sorce for slide rule info, from instructions to types of models. It is also a bit of a society if one wanted to join.

Slide Rule Simulations

This site has a bunch of old slide rules running in javascript. Not the same as the real deal, but tons of fun to mess around with.

East German Computers

I know what you're thinking, but this is a good site for some mechanical computers too. It's a lot to dig through, and it's better if you speak German, but some hidden gems can be found! One I like is the path Die Technik > Computer > Mechanische Rechner > Grundlagen, which gives the working principles behind mechanical calculators.

Wood Gears Canada, an Engineer's Approach to Woodworking

All one needs to know about making wooden gears on a band or jig saw. Interesting blogs too!

Bugman 123

From physics sims to gears to the coolest bug collection, this guy's website is awesome. Lots of projects and tinkering.

Tom 7

This man makes a ton of Youtube videos about using computers improperly. I recommend you check it out. Or something.

Danball's Powder Game

If you've ever wanted to lose a few hours, or fill time on that no-camera Zoom call, I recomend this physics sim.

Cliff Stoll's Klein Bottle Website

You know you wanna buy a klein bottle.

Jon Hilty

This man does some great photography work, mostly recreating historical processes. One of his pages may be the inspiration for a new project of mine.

Adam's Vintage Computer Repairs

A cool site that I have not checked out too too much, but this page in particular, since I'm looking into making/restoring an old radio.

Simplifier's Triode

This guy is a great resource for a few specific things, and this link specifically showcases a Vacuum Tube Triode, which I am trying to replicate for a radio project I'm working on.

Spark Bang Buzz

This website also has some expirements involving vacuum tube esq. electronics. Homepage
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