There are ſeveral Sorts of Compaſſes, of which we ſhall ſpeak more fully hereafter; but that whoſe Uſes we intend to lay down in this Chapter, is the common Pair of Compaſſes. Of theſe Compaſſes there are two kinds, viz. Simple ones, which have their Points fixed, and others whoſe Points may be taken off; both kinds being of different Bigneſſes, but they are commonly in Length from three to ſix Inches. To theſe Compaſſes, that ſhift their Points, there belongs a Drawing-Pen-Point, a Pencil-Point, and ſometimes a Dotting-Wheel, to make dotted Lines.
The Goodneſs of compaſſes conſiſts chiefly in this, That the Motion of their Head be very equable, that ſo they may not leap in opening and ſhutting; that the Joints be well fitted; that they are well filed and poliſhed; and , laſtly, that the Steel-Points are well joined and equal. The Figure A ſheweth theſe kinds of Compaſſes, whoſse Conſtruction we ſhall give in the third Book.
Book I, Chapter I
Paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2. This one I made longer to showcase how it drops down a line, it's quite interesting. Also appreciate this link as an example of link html. Remember to put a ../ in the address for each step back in the directories you need to go from the current page before you can go down a branch to the page you want.
A link example, can be put inside paragraphs of text.
A link example, but it's centered!